Mr Barry Tootill came to us with a BMW 525D 3.0 diesel which had suffered from timing chain failure and needed an engine replacement.
Whenever we complete an engine replacement we typically recommend replacing the thermostat, glow plugs, water pump and timing kit on diesel vehicles. If any of these components are not working correctly, they can potentially cause damage to the engine. These components can be difficult to replace while the engine is inside the vehicle so its certainly a good opportunity to get those replaced while the engine is out particularly because they are not expensive.
As engine replacement specialists, most of our clients typically require vehicle recovery as did Mr Tootill. Because we use our recovery guys on a regular basis, we can get vehicle recovery done at very competitive prices.
Once the vehicle is on the ramp we get to work right away
Its always good practice to remove the bumper from the vehicle before engine removal to avoid any unnecessary damage from happening
In this instance we had a rebuilt engine was already prepped and ready to be fitted
We then build up the engine with the customers bolt on components
The plate that separates the engine and gearbox was broken unfortunately and needed to be replaced
Interestingly, Mr Tootill had a custom job completed on his DPF filter, he clearly knows his way around cars!
Once all the installation work is complete we always thorough test the vehicle to make sure there are no underlying problems or issues before releasing the vehicle back to the customer
Mr Tootill is now enjoying a well deserved break with his wife in their summer house in Spain 🙂
what a bodge of the dpf removal, i dread to think what the ecu software is like if they make such a mess of the actual filter
It was a bit on the smokey side but all in all it seemed to run ok. Apparently this company specialised in this sort of thing.